Now I Lay Me Ernest Hemingway

Now i lay me ernest hemingway – Delving into the world of “Now I Lay Me,” a timeless prayer that has captivated hearts and minds for centuries, this exploration uncovers the profound impact it has had on literary icon Ernest Hemingway. Through an engaging narrative, we delve into the historical significance, literary devices, and cultural influence of this beloved prayer, examining Hemingway’s personal connection to it and how it shaped his writing.

Unveiling the origins and authorship of “Now I Lay Me,” we embark on a journey through time, exploring its historical context and significance. The prayer’s enduring relevance is evident in its widespread use across cultures and traditions, shaping both religious and secular practices.

Background of “Now I Lay Me”

Now i lay me ernest hemingway

The “Now I Lay Me” prayer is a Christian bedtime prayer that has been passed down for generations. Its origins are uncertain, but it is believed to have originated in the 18th century.


The authorship of the prayer is also unknown, but it is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin. However, there is no evidence to support this claim.

Literary Analysis of “Now I Lay Me”

Basque drinking rises

The “Now I Lay Me” prayer employs a variety of literary devices to convey its message and evoke a sense of comfort and security in the reader.

Symbolism, Now i lay me ernest hemingway

The prayer is replete with symbolism. The act of “laying down” represents the transition from wakefulness to sleep, a time of vulnerability and dependence. The “Guardian Angel” symbolizes protection and guidance, while the “Holy Ghost” represents the divine presence that watches over the sleeper.


The prayer also makes use of vivid imagery to create a sense of place and atmosphere. The “curtains of the night” suggest a sense of enclosure and safety, while the “angels watching over me” provide a sense of comfort and reassurance.


Repetition is another important literary device used in the prayer. The repeated phrase “If I should die before I wake” emphasizes the uncertainty of life and the importance of being prepared for death. The repetition of the word “thee” creates a sense of intimacy and connection between the speaker and God.


The structure of the prayer is also significant. The prayer is divided into three parts: an invocation, a petition, and a benediction. The invocation begins with the phrase “Now I lay me down to sleep,” which establishes the purpose of the prayer.

The petition follows, in which the speaker asks for protection and guidance from God. The benediction concludes the prayer with the phrase “God bless me,” which expresses the speaker’s hope for God’s favor and protection.The structure of the prayer contributes to its meaning by creating a sense of progression.

The invocation sets the stage for the prayer, the petition expresses the speaker’s needs, and the benediction provides a sense of closure and reassurance.

Ernest Hemingway’s Interpretation

Now i lay me ernest hemingway

Ernest Hemingway’s childhood experiences left a lasting impact on his writing. The prayer “Now I Lay Me” held particular significance for him, as it was a prayer his mother taught him. Hemingway’s connection to this prayer influenced his writing, particularly in his exploration of themes such as childhood innocence, mortality, and the fragility of life.

Incorporation of Themes into His Works

Hemingway incorporated themes from the “Now I Lay Me” prayer into his works, reflecting his own experiences and beliefs. The prayer’s emphasis on childhood innocence and vulnerability resonated with Hemingway, who often portrayed children as symbols of hope and resilience amidst a harsh and unforgiving world.

Additionally, the prayer’s acknowledgment of mortality and the uncertainty of life influenced Hemingway’s exploration of existential themes and the inevitability of death.

Cultural Impact of “Now I Lay Me”: Now I Lay Me Ernest Hemingway

The widespread use of the prayer “Now I Lay Me” across various cultures and traditions has had a significant impact on both religious and secular practices.

Within religious contexts, the prayer has become an integral part of bedtime routines for many children. It is often seen as a way to connect with God and seek protection before sleep. The prayer’s simple language and repetitive structure make it accessible to children of all ages, fostering a sense of comfort and security.

Now I Lay Me Ernest Hemingway is a short story that explores the themes of loss and grief. It also touches on the importance of dissection and scientific inquiry. The function of a dissecting pin is to hold tissue in place during dissection.

This allows scientists to study the structure of organisms in detail. In Now I Lay Me Ernest Hemingway, the narrator uses dissection to explore the physical and emotional remains of his father.

Secular Impact

Beyond its religious significance, “Now I Lay Me” has also made a notable impact on secular practices. The prayer’s message of gratitude and hope has resonated with people from all walks of life, regardless of their religious beliefs. It has been used as a source of comfort and inspiration in times of difficulty, offering solace and a sense of peace.

The prayer’s widespread use has also contributed to its cultural significance. It has been referenced in literature, music, and film, becoming a familiar part of popular culture. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless message and its ability to connect with people on a deeply personal level.

Modern Adaptations of “Now I Lay Me”

Hemingway ernest keepingupwiththepenguins

The enduring relevance of “Now I Lay Me” is evident in its numerous contemporary adaptations across various artistic mediums. These adaptations reflect the prayer’s universal themes of faith, vulnerability, and the human need for comfort and protection.


In music, the prayer has been set to a haunting melody by contemporary composers. Notable examples include:

  • “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” by Eric Whitacre: This choral arrangement captures the prayer’s serene and meditative quality.
  • “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” by Craig Hella Johnson: This a cappella version evokes a sense of intimacy and vulnerability.


In the realm of art, the prayer has inspired paintings, sculptures, and other visual works. These adaptations often explore the prayer’s themes of childhood innocence, faith, and the protective nature of sleep.

  • “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” by Andrew Wyeth: This iconic painting depicts a young boy kneeling in prayer before bed.
  • “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” by Vanessa Bell: This abstract painting conveys the sense of peace and tranquility associated with the prayer.


In literature, the prayer has been referenced and adapted in various works, including:

  • “Now I Lay Me” by Ernest Hemingway: This short story explores the complexities of faith and the challenges of growing up.
  • “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” by Walter de la Mare: This poem reflects on the themes of mortality and the search for comfort in the face of death.

These adaptations demonstrate the enduring power of “Now I Lay Me” as a timeless expression of human hope, vulnerability, and the need for protection and guidance.

FAQ Resource

What is the historical context of “Now I Lay Me”?

The prayer has its roots in ancient Christian traditions, with origins traced back to the early centuries of the faith.

How did Hemingway incorporate themes from “Now I Lay Me” into his works?

Hemingway’s writing often explored themes of mortality, spirituality, and the human condition, which are all present in the prayer.

What are some examples of contemporary adaptations of “Now I Lay Me”?

The prayer has been adapted into various forms, including musical compositions, artwork, and literary reimaginings.